We rescue, rehabilitate and rehome ex-racehorses with the aim of giving them a worthwhile future.
Registered UK charity 1111160
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Tribute to Korakor
Friday December 8th 2023 was a sad day for everyone at Racehorse Rehoming Centre, it's the day we lost our beautiful Korakor.
The tribute....
Devasted doesn't even describe how we feel today.
Today was one of the saddest days in the charities history as we lost our gorgeous Ginger Ninja Korakor (Kokes).
We try to take consolation in that he was a marvellous age, just 3 weeks short of his 30th birthday
We try to take consolation that we went doing what he loved best, prancing about with the sun on his gorgeous irredescent chestnut back.
We try to take consolation that it was quick and he looked so peaceful when we found him.

BUT, he was so full of life when we let him out this morning, it absolutely breaks our hearts that he was devoid of that life when we found him just 20 minutes later.
Although we know he was a wonderful age, he didn't seem to know it, he was our Kokes that we have known and loved for many many years. We weren't ready, and although nature played its part, we are devastated that we didn't get a chance to say goodbye, or tell him how much we loved him...
....and it was lots and lots.
We can't believe we won't see his beautiful face over his stable door anymore.
We can't believe we won't be able to smile at his lolling tongue which he was unable to keep in his mouth anymore.
We can't believe we won't see his gorgeous chestnut coat glimmer in the sun again.
We can't believe we won't be able to laugh at his antics, prancing about in the field, belying his age.
The number of times we told him to calm down and act his age otherwise he would injure himself or have a coronary. If only he'd listened.
Our gorgeous boy has left us, and taken a huge part of our hearts with him. More tears have been shed today than rain has fallen this week.
We are so grateful that Dawn and Hannah came to see him this year to create happy memories, sadly not knowing it was the last time they would ever see him. But, we are glad they did.
Love you forever Kokopops.